Spuds fall to Packers

The Spuds were humbled on the road last night to a veteran West Fargo Packer team losing 80 – 44. The Spuds struggled to get on track committing 19 first half turnovers and could never regain an edge. “I thought we played badly all around. We have to develop a consistent approach to our games and execute like I know we can. We didn’t do that tonight and West Fargo made us pay for it.” The Spuds found themselves in an early hole after matching the Packers through the first 5 minutes of the game. The nerves never seemed to diminish which Coach TD feels is an important piece going forward. “Our seniors need to calm us, put us in positions to be successful, take the reins and lead us when we are out of sorts. We will watch some film, make some adjustments and get ourselves ready for the next challenge.” 

The Spuds were led by junior guard Lauren Peterson who knocked down 4 3 pointers for 12 pts, followed by Julia MacAdams with 8 pts. 

The Spuds finish their 3 game road trip Saturday when they take on section opponent Elk River, game time is set for 2:00PM.

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